Our STEP tutors can provide one to one tuition covering all elements of the STEP assessment. Our tutors have extensive experience supporting applicants to top universities where the STEP examination is used. If you would like a one off assessment or on going support, we have a team of specialist, qualified teachers, who can support you.
Simon is a graduate of Emmanuel College, University of Cambridge and completed his Master's degree at Royal Holloway, University of London After a...
John has tutored privately for 11 years After a bachelor's degree in biomedical science, he starting tutoring during his time as a classroom...
Samuel-Louis is an experienced, engaging and extremely well-qualified teacher and tutor Samuel-Louis trained to teach at the world-leading UCL Institute of Education and...
The Sixth Term Examination Paper (STEP) is a mathematics exam for prospective undergraduates who intend to read a maths based subject at university. It is employed by a number of universities and can be considered a demanding examination.
For a more developed explanation, please visit our STEP page.
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