
Our Values

These values reflect how we would like to do business and how we behave towards our students, clients, tutors and staff. Our values are reviewed yearly by all of our staff and added to, amended or removed by consensus.


In order to provide education of the highest quality we do the following:

  • Place the learner at the centre of everything that we do
  • Find the best teachers to be tutors
  • Build scalable, robust systems
  • Excellent project management
  • Obtain as much feedback as possible
  • Never hard sell. Excellent products sell themselves
  • Operate in a transparent manner

Be Nice

We like to do business with people we like. We believe that if we are as nice as possible, people will want to do business with us.  In order to be as nice as possible we try to adhere to the following principles:

  • Produce as many free resources as possible to help our learner
  • Don’t tell people off
  • Help our teachers and product managers as much as we can
  • Don’t judge too quickly
  • Make decisions by consensus
  • Be as honest as we can and do the right thing

Drive Change

The world of education is changing fast. In order to achieve our mission we feel that it will be insufficient for us to just deal with change when we are confronted by it but to lead change in the education industry. We aim to lead change by doing the following:

  • Not being scaredy cats
  • Saying “yes” to new ideas
  • Celebrating our new product failures alongside our successes
  • Leading by example by continually investing in our own development
  • Being at the forefront of educational change

Work Together

If you want to go quickly, go alone, if you want to go far, go together. We want to go a very long way. As such it is important that we can leverage the respective strengths of our stakeholders in order to progress efficiently. In order to encourage teamwork we:

  • Make sure that we all know where we stand
  • Are equitable with pay
  • Make sure that every owl is leading a project
  • Share our burdens with each other
  • Understand what our colleagues are doing
  • Love our tutors
  • Invite senior managers to assist with admin

Have Fun

Students will engage more effectively with their tutors if their sessions are fun. We also believe that the most effective owls are happy owls. Having fun is essential for us to achieve our aims and we try to achieve this by doing the following:

  • We do whatever we need to in order to enjoy what we do
  • Organise regular team away days and owl holidays
  • Love what we do and do what we love
  • Encourage each other to take care of our health and well-being
  • Minimise “screen time” by meeting stakeholders face to face

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