

Tutor profile - Ali


8 Plus, 11 Plus, 13 Plus, Other School Entrance, English, Geography, History & Maths

Like all our tutors, Ali is a qualified teacher Like all our tutors, Ali holds a degree from a top University Like all our tutors, Ali holds a full, clean criminal records checkAli holds a degree from a Russell Group University
Alison is an outstanding tutor who combines expert subject knowledge, clear planning and a warm, fun, engaging style of teaching. Alison used her skills as a coach to support our child through preparation for senior school exams, providing clear feedback and targets. This was immensely helpful during a busy period that could otherwise have been more stressful.

Parent of 11 Plus student

Ali's biography

Alison has worked for the last 20 years in state, independent and international schools across the SE of England and in Asia. She has taught children of all ages from Nursery to Year 8, with a particular focus on Year 6 and secondary (11+, 13+) transition. Alison has also taught teachers and run workshops on learning-to-learn and pedagogy.

Alison has a BSc Hons (2:1) in Geography from Glasgow University. She trained as a teacher, gaining a PGCE, from UCL’s prestigious Institute of Education. She is trained in the IB Primary Years Programme as well as having experience of the national curriculum and common entrance. Alison has held leadership roles in primary and prep schools including Head of Literacy. Her most recent role was as Head of Geography and Global Dimension Leader at St Michael’s Prep School in Otford, Kent.

Alison’s curiosity about how students learn best and her broad experience of teaching around the world has helped her understand the best ways to support students of all ages and all abilities. Alison believes that her first role as a tutor is to build relationships and a safe space, where students can ask questions and make mistakes. She actively involves students encouraging them to take ownership of their learning, whether that be through self-assessment and goal setting, or hands-on learning. She has found that by empowering students in this way they become more confident and that this has a positive impact on their attainment.

Alison is confident teaching students in all subjects across the primary curriculum and for common entrance. She is particularly passionate about helping students develop their love of, and ability, in English and Geography. Her desire to help students find out which methods of learning work best for them, mean she also loves tutoring students in revision and homework organisation.

Alison has experience tutoring students for 7+, 11+ and CE/13+ and has helped students prepare for and transition to local, independent and internationals schools. Alison has also successfully mentored scholarship students at prep school - Sevenoaks, Tonbridge.

Alison’s strong track record of success is reflected in colleague and parental feedback such as:

‘I … commend Alison Chugg to you as an outstanding primary school teacher … Alison is an excellent curriculum thinker, and an inquiry-based teacher.’

‘Ali is a dream colleague because she is so committed to teaching and learning … she really involves children in their learning.’

‘Ali is an outstanding classroom teacher. Her classroom environment is inviting, stimulating and a place where there is ample evidence that learning is occurring.’

‘Ali is loved and respected by her students and their parents. She quickly establishes an excellent rapport and relationship with both students and parents. Ali is a very patient, kind, positive and caring teacher.’

‘Ali fosters a very strong home-school relationship.’

‘Thanks again for great training sessions. I learnt a lot …You are a brilliant teacher.’

Alison volunteers as a school governor and when she is not tutoring, she runs personal development workshops for parents and those going through change.

IB Experience

Alison is IB PYP Category 1, 2 and 3 trained. She worked in early years in a renowned IB school in China, Western Academy of Beijing.

Ali's availability

All times are displayed in UK time.

From Monday 10th February 2025, I am available as follows: Monday: 9 AM - 4 PM Tuesday: 10 AM - 4 PM Wednesday: 4 PM - 5 PM Thursday: 9 AM - 4 PM Friday: NONE Saturday: NONE Sunday: NONE

Ali will have further availability from Thursday 1st May 2025.

Ali's qualifications

Ali qualified to teach Primary education in 2000, and holds a PGCE from London Institute of Education.

University name Name of degree Year of graduation
Glasgow University BSC Hons Geography 1996

Subjects tutored:

8 Plus

11 Plus (English, Maths, Verbal Reasoning, Non-Verbal Reasoning, Science and Kent Test)

13 Plus (English, Maths, Verbal Reasoning, Non-Verbal Reasoning, Science, Classics, Geography, History and Religious Studies)

Other School Entrance (9+, 10+ English, 10+ Maths, 10+ Verbal Reasoning, 10+ Non-Verbal Reasoning, 10+ Science, 12+ English, 12+ Maths, 12+ Verbal Reasoning, 12+ Non-Verbal Reasoning, 12+ Science and CAT4)

English (KS2 and KS3)

Geography (KS3, GCSE AQA, GCSE Edexcel, GCSE OCR and IGCSE)

History (KS3)

Maths (KS2 and KS3)

Recent testimonials

All round excellent tutor. Ali can hone in on exactly what is required and pushes children to reach their potential.

Parent of 11 Plus student (Catherham and Whitgift)

Thursday, 9th January 2025

Here's where Ali can teach


  • Riverhead (TN13)
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